**** Terms of sale ****  

For all backing tracks  


When purchasing Pete`s backing tracks, observe our sales conditions.


Reselling or copying is prohibited !!  (if you do we will put your name on a blacklist)

Name, origin are required to be mentioned, also at performances.

* We are not responsible for loss of backing tracks. You can always buy them again.


All Pete`s backing tracks are professionally produced and arranged by himself totally, from A to Z.

Pete plays all instruments and other harmony sounds.

We will recognize his backing tracks everywhere. 


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation



Please ask us about the possibilities to create for you, your own exclusive backing track, also for vocals.  

This backing track will be made exclusively for you and will not be sold to others. You can do whatever you want with it. The price will be calculated per hour.  

So if you cannot find the backing track you would like, there is always the possibility to make it exclusive for you.

As always of high quality.